Astrology Charts and Readings
NATAL CHART This is the map of the Heavens at your exact birth time and place and is the basis of how we read your stars and their respective transits throughout your life. Everything starts with the birth chart,
SOLAR RETURN The year to come is read based on planetary positions at the time of your Sun’s return to its natal degree which varies yearly. This chart is used in conjunction with planetary transits to predict the coming year until your next birthday.
PROGRESSIONS Each year we progress our planets by one degree. This changes our chart with the years that pass, giving us another perspective on our evolving selves and is a study of our personal evolution through the zodiac in our life. These progressions affect our lives and personalities and are used as a tool for forecasting as well as the transits affecting both charts.
SYNASTRY Compatibility between two people is read based on the interaction of their respective birth charts. Charts are compared and a composite chart is made for the relationship. Both natal charts and present transits are also analyzed as well as compatibility between the two people. This reading can be for love, friendship or a business partnership.
MINI READING An overview of the immediate situation around you within the present time frame. A 45 minute reading on the spot looking at the stars immediately affecting you.
TRANSITS and TAROT. We look at your present transits and do a tarot spread for a combined one hour reading. Previously done birth chart required.
THE BEST TIME Ask a question and I will help you choose the most auspicious time for your undertaking or life event.